A. EDUCATION UNDERSTANDING ISLAMIslamic religious education is a conscious and deliberate effort
to prepare students to know, understand, appreciate, to faith, religion
islam, coupled with guidance to respect other religions in relation to
religious harmony among the Ummah to manifest the unity and national
unity (PAI curriculum , 3: 2002).
According Zakiyah Dradjat
Islamic religious education is an attempt to foster and nurture the
students to always be able to understand ajaramn Islam as a whole. Then live the purpose
apada finally able to practice and make Islam as a way of life.
According to Dr. Armai Arief, MA Islamic education is a process undertaken to create
complete human beings; faithful and devoted to God and to be able to
realize its existence as a vicegerent on earth god, who relied on the
teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the objectives in this context means
the creation of insane-perfect man after the process ends.
purpose of Islamic EducationThe purpose of education is the dominant Islamic education,
it's all I have to mengutif expression Breiter, that education is a
matter of purpose and focus. Mendidika child means to act with the aim of
influencing the child's development as a person secarah intact.
Islamic religious education in schools aims to
foster and enhance the faith by providing and fostering knowledge,
appreciation, practice, and experience of the students about the
religion of Islam to become human muslimyang continues to grow in terms
of faith, piety, nation and state, and to be able to continue on the
level higher
In general, the goal of Islamic religious education is
divided to: general purpose, while the goal, the ultimate goal, and
operational objectives, the general goal is a goal to be achieved
denagan all educational activities either by teaching or by other means.
Interim goal is a goal that will be achieved
after the students were given a certain amount of experience in a
planned curriculum. The ultimate goal is a desired destination so that learners
humans were perfect (insan kamil). While the operational objectives are
practical purpose to be achieved by a particular educational activity.
The purpose of Islamic religious education in the perspective
of Muslim clerics.
1. By abdul rahman pious saying said that Islamic education
aims to form a personality as the vicegerent of Allah swt, at least
mempersiapklan themselves to their ultimate goal of faith in God and
submit to and obey him completely.
2. According to Imam Al-Ghazali said there were two main
objectives namely, forming a full human being, which in turn can draw
closer to Allah swt. And formed after
obtaining happiness insane world and the hereafter.
3. According to
Hasan Lagulung his role in the principles of Islamic education, hasan
lagulung mnjelaskan, that the purpose of education should be linked to
the goal of human life, or more specifically, the purpose of life to
answer the question, What do we live that is solely for the worship of
Allah swt.
From some opinions on the purpose of Islamic education can be
concluded that the aim of Islamic education is something that is
expected to be achieved after the end of the educational process. This objective is classified to:
general purpose, purpose while, the ultimate goal and operational
are so many concepts and theories aim of Islamic education has been
advanced by scholars of education, both at the time of klazik, mid and
today. However
it can be understood that the various concepts and theories of Islamic
religious education goals is a testament to the efforts of Muslim
intellectuals and the Muslims in general to create a good education
system for the people. However, the development of thinking about
the purpose of Islamic education has never deviated from the basic
principle that a principle grounded in the development of the intended
educational goals.
Therefore, speaking of Islamic religious
education, well meaning and purpose should be ignored in the cultivation
of Islamic values and social ethics is not allowed to forget or
social morality. The values
are also in order to reap the success of life in the world for
students who are then able to produce future good of the Hereafter.
b. Functions
of Islamic EducationFunctions of Islamic Education in schools or madrassas Abdul
Majid, and Dian Andayani, in his book Islamic Education
competency-based, are as follows:
1. Development,
the improvement of students' faith and devotion to God Almighty who has
invested in a family environment. Basically instill faith and piety obligations
undertaken by each parent in the family. Schools serve to further cultivate in children through
mentoring, teaching and training to faith and piety can be developed to
optimally match the developmental level.
Investment value, as a
way of life to find happiness in life on earth and in the hereafter.
3. Mental adjustment, which is to adjust to the environment
both physical and social environments and can alter the environment in
accordance with the teachings of Islam.
Improvement, which is to fix the mistakes,
shortcomings and weaknesses of students in faith, understanding and
experience of teaching in everyday life.
which is to deter, negative things from the environment or from other
cultures that can endanger themselves and hinder their development
towards the human being in Indonesia.
6. Teaching about religion in general science and
functional system.
7. Distribution, which is to deliver children who have special
talents in the field of Islamic religion that talent can be optimized
so that it can be used berkembangsecara for himself and for others.
Religious Education in the National EducationWe as citizens of Indonesia are
faithful and pious, patriotic (love tana water) to make one's life
philosophy of Pancasila state and society. Agreed that
pendidikana gamma (especially Islam) we have a success in the
implementation of all types, levels, and pathways. Appropriate and in line with the aspirations of the nation as
outlined in the tap-tap of the Assembly, and the law has outlined the
aspirations that have been approved by the House and approved by the
president. So that became the basis of our national juridical
binding on all citizens of Indonesia into a single national education
The problems that we need to discuss is how to
practice our religious education that is more useful in creating
generations of superior quality, outward and inward. Highly skilled in the
creed and lives of nonsensical and weighs in behavior and muamalah
amaliah. Thus survive in the current
cultural dynamics of social change in his lifetime. Sprtitual mental and physical endurance thanks to our
religious education really works effectively for the lives of people
from time to time.
These ideals can only be terlakasana
the right target if we are able to carry out basic strategy backwards
berwawan far ahead of the nation, which faced to the advancement of life
science and advanced technology is increasingly sekularistik direction.
Orientation of Islamic religious
education is the education is not directly require us to implement a
consistent process of national education and integrative journey towards
achieving the ultimate goal. The formation of the complete Indonesian man developed
superior quality and grow in the pattern of a balanced life between
outward and inward, between jasmania between life and spiritual or
physical mental, spiritual and material. In the language of Islam,
forming a perfect man who is homeostatic to develop itself in the
pattern of life and treasure fil kahasanah fiddunnya hereafter avoid
torment of hell fire, simultaneously not separate the two elements.
The road to ketujuan it, not the other is through a
process-oriented education to the three-way relationship that protégé
relationship with god, with the community and with the natural
1. God
wants a relationship with the divine conception of established and
clearly spelled out in the form of norms that awajib ubudiyah mahdzab
obeyed by students in syar'i.
2. Relationships with communities in
need of rules and norms that direct relationships between fellow human
process is flexible on a par value range order, but does not break or
damage prinsif-prinsif essentially an absolute, in the sense of cultural
relativistic. The whole field of
human life is an arena in which social and inter-personal relationships
occur throughout life, including the life science field.
3. Relationship with the environment
according to the Kaida-Kaida who organize and direct human activities
students armed with ipteknya in excavation, utilization and processing
of wealth menyejahterahkan backflow awareness of the dangers of natural
sanctions, due to the depletion of all-out for the rich diversity
melebihikapasitas natural.
b. Islamic Education In
Public SchoolsKulturan education generally within the scope of the role,
function and purpose is no different. Everything lives in the effort to
enforce the bernaksud pick-up and human dignity through its
transmission, especially in the form of transfer of knowledge and the
transfer of values.
In this context
it is clearly also targeted educational outreach to Islam, is part of
the national education system, even in the life of Indonesian people
seem very existence culturally. But strong he has tried to
take on the role of a competitive nation in the sociological setting,
though still not able to match existing umumn educational autonomy and
broader support, in realizing the real purpose of education.
As berlebel religious education, Islamic education has
transmisispritual it more real in the process of teaching compared with
general education, although the institute also has a similar charge. Clarity lies in the desire of Islamic education to develop
all aspects of the students within a balanced, both aspects of
intellectual and scholarly imagination, kulturan and personality. That's
why Islamic education have loads of multi paradigm, because attempts to
integrate elements of profane and immanent, in which the incorporation
of this, it opens the possibility of the realization of the core
objectives of Islamic education that human beings bear faith and bookish
knowledge, the mutual support of each other.
Between science and Islamic education can not be separated,
because the development of Islamic societies, as well as building a
whole human tuntutannyadalam (physically and spiritually) is largely
determined by the quality and quantity of science is digested through
the educational process. The process of education is not only to explore and
develop the science, but also, more importantly, that it can find a new
conception of science is intact, so as to build the Islamic community in
accordance with the wishes and needs are required.
c. Religious
Education School institutedMan who is faithful
and devoted to God Almighty as the first principle of Pancasila
intention, it can not happen suddenly. Man
faithful and devoted terbentukmelakukan life process and the educational
process, particularly religious life and religious education. The
process of education is a lifelong human good family environment, in
schools and in the community.
Faith and piety can not
be realized without religion. Only religion that can lead humans to the almighty god
devoted to God. It is stated clearly in the national
education goals, has deep meaning for the formation of the human being
in Indonesia.
Humans are human piety optimally appreciate and
practice their religion in everyday life, both in our personal and
community life. Menghayalkan religion also nurtured and guided through the
process of education itself may also be played by religious education
religious education in this relationship serves as an attempt to foster
religious life through education is where lies the functions that run
religious education in human development as a whole and the people of
Indonesia Indonesia entirely.
Furthermore, it can be
revealed that in the development of the whole man (insan Pancasila) and
the entire Indonesian society (the Pancasila), then the work of
religious education:
* In the individual aspect is to
establish a human being faithful and devoted to God the almighty one.
* Mebina citizen of
Indonesia being a good citizen as well as a devout ummah practice their
d. Importance
of Islamic Education for StudentsSomeone newborns are creatures of Allah who are powerless
and always need help to be able to carry out his life in this world.
There infinitely wise God Almighty who has
bestowed a sense of compassion for all mothers and fathers to look after
their children properly without expecting anything in return.
is born not knowing anything, but he anugrahi by Allah senses, mind,
and taste as capital to accept the science, have a certain attitude
keterampilandan get through the process of maturation and learning
first. Regarding
pentingnyabelajar by A. R. Saleh
and Soependi Soeryadinata: human children grow and develop, both
thought, feeling, volition, attitude and behavior. Thus very
pital the factors studied.
So Islamic
religious education is the human effort with the guidance and leadership
to assist and direct the religious nature of the students towards the
formation of the main personalities in accordance with religious
Therefore, moral or character issue is one satupokok
Islamic teachings which must be foremost in Islamic religious education
to be embedded or taught to the students.
By looking at the meaning and
scope of Islamic education, it is clear that the Islamic education we
seek to establish strong human personality and good (akhlakul karimah)
based on the religious teachings of Islam.
Therefore, education is very important because islam Islamic
education, parents or teachers make a conscious effort to lead and
educate the children are directed to the development of mind and body so
as to form a major personality in accordance with the teachings of
Islamic religious
education should be inculcated from childhood, because education in
childhood is a fundamental and decisive for further education. As Zakiyah Drajat opinion that
"religion is generally determined by a person's education, experience
and training in its path since childhood".
in the manifest purpose of national education, Islamic religious
education in schools plays a very vital. Therefore, Islamic religious education in
Indonesia is intended to the national curriculum which is mandatory for
all students ranging from elementary school to college. National
education aims at developing students' potentials in order to be a man
who is faithful and devoted to God the almighty one, noble character,
healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become
citizens of a democratic and accountable.
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