Petroleum Establishment
Petroleum or natural gas contained in the pores of rocks, especially rock sediment. The process of formation of petroleum in the know with certainty yet. Because it is a business and continue to do the research to determine the scientific process of oil formation.
There are three kinds of theories that explain the formation of oil and gas. The first theory is the theory of the "biogenetic" or better known by the theory of "organic". The second is the theory of "inorganic", while the third is the theory of "duplex" which is a mix of the two previous theories. Duplex
theory that many widely accepted by explaining that the oil and gas
coming from different types of marine organisms both animal and
It is estimated that oil derived from animal materials and gas derived from vegetable matter. A clear oil and gas made up of complex compounds is the main element carbon (C) and the element hydrogen (H). a simple compound with the chemical formula can be written CxHy, so it is often referred to as hydrocarbons.
In ancient times, on land and on sea life diverse animals and plants. Animals and plants that die or become extinct eventually buried under sediment Lumpur. This sludge is then precipitated by hanyutkan stream into the ocean, along with other organic materials from the mainland.
to the influence of time, temperature and pressure loads of rock layers
on top of animals and plants that had been transformed into dead spots
and bubbles of oil or gas.
Due to the same effect, the sediment turns into rock sediment Lumpur. Soft rock derived from mud containing oil spots known as the host rock or "soure rock". Furthermore, oil and gas will migrate towards the lower pressure tempet and eventually accumulates in places called trap (trap).
A trap can contain:
§ Oil, gas, and water
§ Oil and water
§ Gas and Water
of differences in density, if all three are in a trap and is in stable
condition, always in the gas, oil and water in the middle at the bottom.
Gas contained oil together called "associated gas" while self contained in a trap called a "non-associated gas".
In the process of the formation of petroleum needed time still can be specified on this is that there are different opinions. There are mengataka thousands of years, some say millions of years even say more than that.
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