Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

How to Easily Create Free Personal Blog on Blogger
How to Easily Create Free Personal Blog on Blogger | Posts for this time I specialize sobat2 less knowledge of how to easily create a free blog on blogger.com private. So if my friend is an expert in creating a blog, would read simply want to ignore as well please, as it is specific to that really do not get to make a free blog.There are actually a lot of free blog services that we can use, but have not been able to make a better blog create a blog on blogger.com, because I think blogger.com is very well suited to the new study. For how to create a free blog on services like wordpress and blogdetik God willing I will discuss the other ditulisan.OK, now we start just how to easily create a free personal blog at blogger.com:1. The first requirement to be my friend do to create a blog on blogger.com is having an email account at gmail.com. By email at gmail.com has not blogger.com are accessible but all the facilities of google can be used. to create a gmail email account please type dibrowser pal gmail.com, or click here.Then click create account.How to create a gmail email2. After my friend will appear click the form to be filled with data including no phone buddy buddy. Once all the data on the contents click next step.Gmail Form3. After that, select the text, Indonesian state, and click send verification code. Furthermore friend will receive an SMS verification code from Google to fill in following in step.Gmail Account VerificationAfter clicking dimakukka verification code.4. Furthermore buddy profiles include photos, but optional at this stage. my friend can directly enter a profile photo or not. if you want to get past just click next step.Gmail Profile Pictures5. In the next step just click Continue to Gmail.6. Then it will immediately appear next friend like this gmail account.Display Gmail Account7. Up to this point my friend gmail account has been created. now is the time to make the first personal blog buddy .. ready?? Please click Blogger.com to start a blog.8. Buddy will be asked to re-enter the password in gmail earlier. Then click Login.List of Free Bloggers9. Furthermore buddy will be asked to fill data to profile your blog. Here there are two options, option 1 if my friend wanted to make a blog profile google + profile. option 2 if my friend just wanted to create a profile for a blog without a google account associated with +.Google + is a fairly recent Google services, such as facebook account. I recommend option 1 only.Creating a Google Profile +10. In the next step just click the upgrade to continue.Google + Account
11. Click the Follow button if my friend wants to join the page. Then click ContinueGoogle + Page
12. Enter the data and profile picture, buddy, but not diisipun not apa2. Then click Finish.Google Profiles + Photos
13. In the next step click Continue to blogger.Start creating a free blog at blogger
14. After that my friend will go straight to your blog dashboard page .. but the blog has not been made.Dashboard Bloggerto start a blog, please click the New Blog buddy indicated in number 1 in the image above, the number 2 will appear for an existing blog buddy. the number 3 is the place to set your blog. one of which is to change the look of the dashboard to the old look. Ok buddy next after New Blog click the new form will appear as below.how to create a blog for beginnersseen in the image above there are several numbers, deliberately so easy to explain.at no 1 Enter a name for your blog, it's up to the content of what is going on, a personal name can be. for number 2 is to address your blog, like the example above is a blogger-naz.blogspot.com. the charging number two wait until there is a checklist blue as above. for the number 3 is the preferred blog page design, please choose according to taste. then click Create a blog.15. Once completed, the blog was created.create your own free blog
to start writing please click the button with pencil.how to post articles on blogger
in the example above is the title of my post "My First Post" .. post the content "Hello I now have a free blog. This is my first post" and the category "Coretanku" .. free pal would fill them with just about anything ..Do not forget when you're done, Click Publish to display its news ..16. after that try to see the results by clicking View blog.view blog
Let's see an example of the post I made earlier ..

End Stage blogged
The last picture is the look of the blog that has been created with the title of the blog "Blogger Naz" and post with the title "My First Post" ...Now that kira2 steps to create a blog, create a post to publish the results of post .. The results of this blog is simple zoom,, if my friend wanted to be great, please kreasikan own imagination pal. This is the end of the tutorial How to Easily Create Free Personal Blog on Blogger.

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