Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Fostering Entrepreneurship Early
Responsibility, creativity and able to make decisions is a trait that will arise in children when grown entrepreneurial spirit early on. The nature of such an asset to the success of the child's life as an adult.Predictions some experts about the future of the world picture of the emergence of the entrepreneurial spirit that demands individual padatiap undeniable. The global competition between nations that do not recognize boundaries between negaramenuntut each person to bring creative new ideas. Then prepare the child to have an entrepreneurial spirit, it seems so one important thing done by the parents and the environment.
The role of parents and guruWirausaha is a work done with full responsibility and requires banyakkreativitas. Sense of responsibility and creativity can be grown as early as possible since mulaiberinteraksi children with adults. Parents are the responsible party in the processes ini.Anak should be taught to motivate yourself to work hard, be given the opportunity to take jawabatas what he did.
In addition, the role of the environment, such as teachers, also influence their children's personalities. Merekabisa instrumental in making the child to become an entrepreneur. To that end, teachers must kreatifmengajar and create questions. â € oeBerikan opportunity for alternative thinking.
Entrepreneurial spirit also requires a good motivation, intelligence is quite good, creative, innovative, danselalu looking for something new to be developed. While creativity is still poorly developed. Though the development of creativity will make the child be able to create new things. Creativity inilahmodal base to become entrepreneurs. Other important capital is responsible attitude. Ain positifl side of the development of this attitude is the establishment of a sense of responsibility on all the things that do.
Exercise Menumbuhan gradual nature of entrepreneurship in children requires a gradual exercise. This entrepreneurial exercise bukanlahsesuatu complex. The form can be simply and is part of the everyday life of children. For example, toilettraining to train children who are still wet. The ultimate goal until the child is able to throw dirt in place, clean the dirt, and wear pants again. The exercise was conducted in bertahapdan teach children to be responsible.
The next exercise is to teach children to be able to manage money well. Explain to the child, where the money used to finance household. Explain that to get uangtersebut, parents have to work hard. The money may only be used for the needs of a truly perlu.Dengan so children will stay away from consumerist attitude.
In teaching children to manage money, training needs to be taught not only how to spend, but also saving, charity and make money. Of course this requires consistency orangtuaterhadap rules. For example, when taking children shopping. Note first that will need to be consistent dibeli.Orangtua for not spending beyond the record spending. When children run amok ask mainanatau other goods outside the record, then parents should be consistent to buy. Rules ituharus been agreed since the beginning.
Exercises like this can already be done since the boy was two years old. Do not assume the child does not understand apaapadengan say Ah, a little boy And since even young children are able to communicate, said the father of the sons.
Small Business-kecilanSetelah children are taught to manage money, the next stage of the child can be taught from a small business can be done on-kecilan.Biasanya school age. At this age, children can be taught usually purchase. At this stage children are taught to recognize the effort to get something, in other words, small scale businesses.
Method used by David Owen, author of the book in the United States, it seems enviable. Owen tells the story of how he was able to encourage her children to love and calculating savings in spending money. He made the Bank of Dad, especially for children. Principle yangdikembangkan the "Bank Daddy" is the provision of financial responsibility and full control padaanak as manager of their own money. The money belongs to the child is the child, not the parents. Even children are also free to seek outside income allowance they have earned.
In this case the "Bank Daddy" role in controlling indirect, ie denganmengembangkan banking principles such as bonuses to attract the interest would be for menambahsaldo savings, as well as minimum balance, which can limit the amount of money being drained taking this child habis.Dengan will be completely responsible and cautious in spending money.
"Bank of Dad" ala David Owen is not only an attraction for saving children. More than that "Bank of Dad" is managed as a learning tool of economic practices to the child in simple language. With a little improvisation, Owen changed the "Bank of Dad" is a media workout to invest in their children. Owen managed to establish a stock brokerage firm named "Dad and •.
So from an early age instilled an entrepreneurial spirit for good. The essence of entrepreneurship is how menanamkancara to try, solve problems and take full responsibility for what he lakukan.Sangat positive, is not it?

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