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Continuous Tense is used to express, say (or whatever his name was
called it) something that is happening now, is ongoing at this time. For example: I'm writing now, you are currently reading lesson Present Continuous Tense I wrote, I was in love, and so on. There is a picture of it? Try your own example 3 seeds mentioned again. can not you? easy right? hehe ..
The formula:Positive: S + Tobe + VingNegative: S + Tobe + Not + VingQuestion: Tobe + S + Ving
Do not be confused, "Ving" I mean Verb + ing yes. Later in the lesson tenses else I would have written "Ving" is repeated. Make sure you remember ya. Why was not written just Verb + Ing? Yes free dong, my writing this, hehe ..
If "Tobe" was later replaced with is, am, are. Depending on what their partner. In English any Personal Pronouns The Pronoun or existing partner respectively. Present Continuous Tense will never escape from this Tobe. Like this ya soul mate:
I amShe is, He is, It is, John is, Mufli is, and so on.You are, We are, the are, John and Mufi are ...
Present Continuous Tense is used if we emphasize on the "Now" it was. If repetitive activities such as "I go to work everyday" do not use Present Continuous Tense Present Tense but yes.
Here's an example sentence Present Continuous Tense according to the formula above:
- I am writing now (I'm writing now)- You are reading my article at present (What does that mean?)- She is waiting for you.
Let's make an example of himself in the heart, then pronounced himself, so too preman smoothly.Negative Sentence To Present Continuous Tense
Negative sentences easy, just add NOT after Tobe. Remember the formula right? Yes, you are right, the formula: S + Tobe + Not + Ving.
The sentence above was I'll make ya a negative sentence:
- I am NOT writing now (I'm not writing now)- You are NOT reading my article at present (What does that mean?)- She is NOT waiting for you.
Crazy, Easy bangets!
Loh said earlier Present Continuous Tense is used to express something that IS happening right now? If negative it means that WAS NOT happening right now then? One dong? Yes nope lah .. I mean, this negative sentence form whether or not ya. Just like that why bother?, Haha ..
Let's move on!Sentences Questions Present Continuous Tense
Easy Pulak ya, stay Tobenya put forward, so deh. Remember the formula right? Ya have to remember the formula, because it could not use a calculator for business formula these tenses. If you often practice, often use the formula meresep itself in your brain, gone into automatic skills. Before that happens then please install this formula in a way to understand it and use it as often as possible. Surely you can deh.
It nih example sentences in the Present Continuous Tense Tanya, I use the example sentence above was but to ask:
- Are you writing now? (Are you writing now?)- Are You reading my article at present? (What does it mean?)- She Is waiting for you.
Well that's it, stay tambakan tobe suitable partner. And always remember to always use the Present Continuous Tense ING form of the verb, the verb I mean ING added. English verb Verb. I briefly V, as added Ing my brief again "Ving". Inga Inga! hehe ..
So surely it could also mengguanakan Asker Pronouns such as What, Where, Which, Why, Who, and so the question this sentence. Examples like this:
-What are you writing now? (Again wrote fuck you now?)-What are you reading (again read what you?)She-Who is waiting for (Doi again siape waiting for?)
That basicnya about Present Continuous Tense is. Continuous core of it is the "Medium", or say are ongoing (such as sense of the word), is going on.
However, "Medium" could be so now loh ya. There is also a "medium" but yesterday. Nah loh!. It's called Past Continuous Tense. As
an introductory example as this: "When my wife came out of the market
Yesterday, I happened to really WAS sleeping, so ou can help bukain
door, fortunately my second child not going to school". There you were, too, but yesterday.
You catch the difference right? Hopefully. If still confused, try reading the above example once again contemplate and meditate on!, Hehe ..
Continuous or "Medium" but TOMORROW is coming or being but also loh. You want to go to my house tomorrow at 9? Oh no, because that much time tomorrow I'll WAS sleeping. Tuh .. TOMORROW sedangnya right? It can learn in the Future Continuous Tense. While the topic of this one is about'RE NOW alias continuouse Present Tense. Present it means "now, or now".
Example we go to Present Continuous Tense:
I'm participating in the SEO contest. English language: "I am participating a SEO Contest". Although
really the moment I'm writing this article in English, I mean not only
contest that was on the stage, the emphasis is on the process that I WAS
following the contest. The contest is not over, is in progress. Contests what the hell? Contest prizes millions of dollars it loh, this theme ya, see ya: Stop Dreaming Start Action
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