Citizenship Education
(Citizenship) is a subject that focuses on a variety of self-formation
in religion, socio-cultural, language, age and ethnicity to become
citizens of a intelligent, skilled, and characterized as mandated by the
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (Based Curriculum Competence, 2004). Citizenship education has developed a very
long history, starting from the Civic Education, Moral Education
Pancasila Pancasila and Citizenship Education, until the last in 2004
changed its name to the curriculum subjects Citizenship Education.
education can be defined as a vehicle to develop and preserve the noble
and moral values rooted in the culture of Indonesia is expected to be
realized in the form of everyday life behavior of learners as
individuals, members of the community in the life of the nation.
Civics is the cornerstone of
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, which is rooted in religious
values, national culture of Indonesia, responsive to the demands of the
changing times, as well as Law No.. 20 of 2003 on National Education System,
Competency Based Curriculum 2004 and the Special Development Syllabus
Guidelines and Subject Assessment Citizenship issued by the Ministry of
National Education Directorate General of Secondary-Elementary Education
Secondary Education Directorate.
course objectives are as follows.
1. Think critically, rationally, and creatively
menangggapi citizenship issues.
2. Participate in quality and responsibly, and act
intelligently in the activities of society, nation, and state.
3. Developing a positive and democratic to form themselves based on
the characters of Indonesian society in order to live together with
other nations.
4. Interact
with other nations in the world arena directly by using information and
communication technology. (Curriculum
SBC, 2006)
Civics subject scope covers the following aspects.
1. Unity of the nation, including: live in harmony in diversity,
love the environment, the pride of the Indonesian nation, vows youth,
integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, participation in the
defense of the country, a positive attitude towards the Republic of
Indonesia, openness and fairness guarantees.
2. Norms, laws and regulations, including: the
discipline of family life, discipline in schools, in community norms,
rules and regulations, the norms of the life of the nation, national
legal and judicial system, international law and justice.
3. Human
rights include: the rights and obligations of the child, the rights and
obligations of members of the community, national and international
human rights instruments, the promotion, respect and protection of human
4. Needs of citizens include: life mutual assistance,
self-esteem as citizens, freedom of association, freedom of expression,
respect the decision together, self achievement, equality of citizens.
5. The state constitution includes: the
proclamation of independence and the constitution of the first, the
Constitution-the Constitution that have been used in Indonesia, the
country with the Constitution of the basic relations.
6. Power and Politics include: Government villages
and districts, local government and autonomy, the central government,
democracy and the political system, political culture, civil society
towards democratic culture, system of government, society demokarasi
7. Pancasila includes: position Pancasila as the state and the
state ideology, Pancasila as the process of formulating the country, the
practice of Pancasila values in everyday life, ideology Pancasila as
open. (Curriculum SBC, 2006)
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