Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

KBM Administration Tools Lesson Applying Special Effects in Production Attraction (MEKOP)

Inspired by the Deed of assignment UAS faculty teaching on campus Ash Syafiiyah. I took the initiative to create interactive learning media. MPI uses powerpoint template I got from my colleague Mr. Mampuono (LPMP Semarang). MPI examples that I have made are in accordance with Mapel / Multimedia Skills Competency namely SK Applying Special Effects to Objects Production (MEKOP).

in addition I attach also other teaching tools include:

1. Annual Program: ANNUAL PROGRAM

2. Semester Program: TEACHING PROGRAM 2012-2013xlsx MEKOP

3. Sample lesson plans (2x meetings): rpp example mekop

4. For MPI Please download:

Sample templates are editable: MPI blank

For an example of a template that others can visit her website Mampuono pack:

Not forgetting to my friends who've helped in the search data so that the manufacture of MPI is resolved.

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