Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

The history and development of Music Indonesia
Music Indonesia or called Nusantara music is all music that developed in this archipelago, which reflect or highlight characteristics keindonesiaan, both in terms of language and style melodies. Music archipelago consists of local traditional music, keroncong music, dangdut music, musical style, harp music, battle music, and pop music. There are stages in the development of Indonesian music (archipelago), namely:
The period prior to the entry of Hindu-Buddhist influence
At this time, the music is used as part of a public ritual. In some groups, the sounds generated from a limb or a particular instrument is believed to have magical powers. Instrument or instruments used primarily from the natural surroundings.
The period after the entry of Hindu-Buddhist influence
At this time, the music developed especially in the area Jawa.Pada palace at the time, the music is not only used as part of a ritual, but also in activities as a means of entertainment keistanaan royal guests. Music is evolving palace gamelan music. Gamelan music consists of 5 groups, balungan, blimbingan groups, groups pencon, the drums, and the complement.
The period after the entry of Islamic influence
Music at this time if the Arab traders introduced. Musical instruments such as harps, and they use a tambourine. Of the process that later emerged-orchestra harp orchestra in Indonesia until now.
Period of Colonialism
The entry of the West to Indonesia also took a major influence in the development of Indonesian music. These immigrants also introduces a variety of musical instruments from their country. Like the violin, cello (cello), guitar, flute (flute), and ukulele. They also bring the system in various works lagu.Pada solmisasi time that Indonesia has developed modern music. At this time the Indonesian musicians create music offerings in the form of a fusion of western music with the music of Indonesia. Serving the music that became known as keroncong.
Along with the influx of electronic media in Indonesia, came also various types of western music, such as pop, jazz, blues, rock, R & B and country music that much diperkenalakan India through his movies. Of these developments, there was a mix of foreign musical with music of Indonesia. Indian music is also combined with Malay music which then produce the kind of music dangdut. Then came the various musicians Indonesia homage to pop, jazz, blues, rock, and R & B. Evolving also the type of music that combines elements of regionalism Indonesia with elements of western music, especially musical instruments. This kind of music is often referred to ethnic music.
Variety of Music Indonesia
Variety of music in Indonesia can be divided into traditional music, keroncong music, dangdut music, the music of struggle, and pop music.
Regional Music / Traditional
Characteristic of this type of music lies in the content of the song and the instrument (musical instrument). Musical traditions have distinctive characteristics, namely poetry and melodies using the language and style of the local area. Traditional art which is identity, identity, media expressions of community supporters. This type of music consists of:
1. Percussion Musical Instruments.Among others: Gamelan, Talempong, Kulintang, Arumba and Kendang.2. Quote Musical InstrumentsAmong others: the harp, and Sampek Sasando.3. Stringed Musical InstrumentAmong others: fiddle and Ohyan.4. Inflatable Musical InstrumentAmong others: Flute, Saluang, Serunai, and Serompet or tarompet.
Music Keroncong
Characteristics of this type of music is the harmony of music and improvisation are very limited. Generally, the songs have the same shape and structure. -His verse poem consists of several sentences (generally 7 sentences) are interspersed with musical games.
Dangdut music
Characteristic of this music lies in the hit musical tabla (a type of percussion instrument that produces sound ndut) and rhythm of light, thus encouraging singers and listeners to work the limbs.
Music Struggle
The hallmark of this music lies in his verse poem-which generally contain a call to fight, a call to sacrifice for the homeland, and the like. Musical rhythm quickly and spirit, and ending with vibrant.
Popular music (pop)
This music has a characteristic, the use of rhythm games feel free to put drums and bass guitar. Usually, the musicians also added a variety of diverse styles to add interest and appreciation of the listener or audience. Pop music is pop music can be divided into children and adult pop music.

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