Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

make animated film

embuat Animated filmThis timembuate we will try to apply the practice to make a simple animation films denganmenilik of materials that have been given earlier, Create animated 3proses are divided into pre-production, production and post-production, as in making something yangmemiliki value of art and creativity necessary process of idea, concept until by eksekusinyadari start making scenario or script, determination of the character to the animation process. Preproduction which includes concepts, story ideas, scenarios, ranging from character design protagonissampai antagonist, make background / background to the storyboard (semacamkomik). Meanwhile, the production process includes the creation of motion or animation parakarakternya, combine it with the background and effect until proseseditingnya and then combine it with the voice / sound effects and music latar.Setelah process is completed then the next stage is the post-production, the tahapini that is where we will show results that we make, for example, we will show distasion TV or at exhibitions or even for the purposes of competition race.6.23.1Menentukan danSinopsis story ideaOf course, in making a film we have to determine the theme and story ideas akandibawa where we will create a movie and shown to anyone. Suppose we akanbuat film is themed course of education or public education about the stories we buatharus education. If we are going to make a comedy of course we harusmenciptakan story can be interesting and hilarious when watched by the audience. Determination idecerita can be inspired from everyday life. This time we will make a cartoon comedy pendekbertema, means we need to prepare for a cute and funny story. We akanmembuat a film that tells of a dispute between two characters dalammemperebutkan something first character and the second character named kendy bernamagembul. After that we made a basic synopsis, the synopsis is a summary of the story dariawal to finish here do not need to be explained at length the story from beginning to end, but merely described the key points only. Sample synopsis:That afternoon kendy out of the candy store with a fistful of candy Lolypop, when kendy was busy licking the candy that he bought all of a sudden came the gembul, he inginmerebut candy from kendy but kendy immediately devour the candy, the gembul-was furious and eventually pursue kendy . Kendy do not want to lose then he turned arahdan gembul hit big body, until gembul floundered helpless.In the next stage after the theme and synopsis we get is made desainkarakter.6.23.2Desain CharacterOnce the idea of ​​the story and the characters set out a clear picture of the steps selanjutnyaadalah to design characters that will be our motion, with clear delineation of character harustertulis ranging physical characteristics, personality traits, gender and temperament. For example, kendymemiliki character traits, women's cute, funny, adorable, a bit naughty and have physical features thin, braided hair wearing a red shirt and two others-lain.Sedangkan Gembul characterized, boys are naughty, haughty, and posture tubuhgemuk others.
Character KendyKarakter GembulKemudian draw using a pencil, draw the characters in various poses, sideways, normal position, the position of action and others then make faces from mulaisedih up with joy. Men character design is very important and emotional berpengaruhterhadap audience, as an example of the character of shinchan, surely everyone knows kalaushinchan was a bad kid, but adorable and quality gambarpunmenjadi number 2 if the story and characters are very unique and interesting.6.23.3Membuat script / scenarioAfter we finished the story idea next step is to create a scenario, Dalammembuat a story or scenario. Film dialogue sebagaialat course required message delivery scenarios that lebik communicative and movie lovers can catch danmengikuti movie storylines that we created. But there are some animated movies that hanyamengandalkan movement only in conveying his message as examples Tomand Jerry cartoon. In making scenarios need to be considered too detailed setting place, time dandimana scene. Rincikan the text scenario as an example: 1.Siang day at 12.00 in front of the candy store:Kendy: mmm ... delicious candy! / / While licking candy / / some time later came the gembul from west Gembul: HAI child .. give you candy! Kendy: AJA Delicious! / / While spending sweets (Then gembul angrily ran toward kendy and there was a chase scene) / / in pursuit kendy from exhaustion and then he turned around and hit gembul with karate moves
Kendy: KYAAAAAA!!!!!!!! / / Pointing towards gembul bogem Gembul: TIDAAAKKKK!! / / BUUK gembul-had fallen and was lying helpless /6.23.4Membuat StoryboardStoryboard is like a book of guidance in making a film that scene sceneper scene per scene can be planned in advance with the image (sepertikomik). Drawing on the storyboard not need good, important picture perspective pins. Start with scene after scene that we will create with menggunakanpensil 2B and number each scene so that we do not get confused which part akanpertama appear.Background 6.23.5MembuatSurely it would be perfect if we make animation a background or backgroundsesuai with state places and events. Suppose the catch-kejaranadalah events during the day in the middle of the city, the image or background that haruskita make is perkota's atmosphere during hari.Background KotaPembuatan background should match the scene or scenes contained padastoryboard. Making background done in accordance with the needs. For perfect results certainly needed yanglebih also drawing skills and tools to draw the background. Use the Adobe Photoshop program to go through this stage.6.23.6Animasi CharacterAfter the miraculous content ready then the next step is to animate the character that we have made, of course, need to be considered in drawing skills. Alangkahbaiknya we have a mastery of the software to create animated, this time we akanmenggunakan software macromedia flash by setting the size of the video / animation creation 720X576.Dalam stage we must choose the technique according to the material that we kuasaiseperti cel animation, Stop Motion, Rotoscoping and others. But in this matter we akanmembuat animation to make the picture directly on the computer. Make the picture as stated in the storyboard by using the brush tool and paint bucket tool warnaidengan, such as running animation, animation angry, animated hit, animasiterjatuh and others. Using a layering technique, separating the layers arms, legs, head, mouth or parts that we will create animasinya.Layering limbs
Once the preparation is complete layering next step is to form or menyusunlayer-layer drawings in accordance with the character, of course, eye and hair was the head, and so on until a form of character utuhSebelum disusunSetelah disusunJika character ready the next step is to move it according denganyang listed on the storyboard, the The first scene to scene kendy ter being menjilatipermen, then the thing to do is make the character movement was menjilatipermen, means we need additional properties such as chewing and tongue, of course kitamembutuhkan additional 2 new layer to insert keyframe lidah.Pilih candy and then start twisting and turning hand position with freetransform toolFree transform toolLakukan accordance with the number of movements already available, such as a motion to lift up our hands membutuhkansebanyak 5 frames, then we must insert keyframe 5 times and adjust the position of gerakdengan free transform tool.Untuk see results press Ctrl + enter then the flash player will look kendysedang character raises his hand. Do the same thing on selanjutnyaseperti running scenes, angry, hit and others to form an animated film.
If you want to use cel animation techniques using paper Surely we perlumempersiapkan lot of paper and a separate scene after scene not to be scattered or incorporated and number them consecutively. It should be noted also by the large number of images ditentukanpula frames per second if we are going to make an animation class doraemonmaka frame rate that we use must be under 12 frame / second if we want membuatanimasi cinema class we choose the frame is 25 frames / second, and when the DVD inginsekelas The frame rate used is 30 frames / second. 12 Frames per secondmaksudnya have 12 images per second, and when the 25 frames / second means we harusmenggambar many as 25 images per second, and so on, you can imagine how much paper and images diperlukanuntuk make movies for 1 hour, but because of the sophistication of digital technology at the time could iniproses minimized by drawing directly on the computer using a pen tablets or use other digital images.Background 6.23.7MenambahkanSurely it would seem odd if we make animation movies just berlatarkan putihsaja colors, of course, we need to add a background we have planned in advance, the atmosphere of the city in the afternoon, then we must first draw, could draw using Macromedia Flash or digital program paintingseperti photoshop. When a picture is completed then the next is to importgambar by creating a new layer to the background layer first kemudianletakan background at the lowest position because of course the background is behind the object coupled with backgroundLakukan karakter.Setelah character animation process as stated in the storyboard did Similarly padakarakter gembul and other properties, and the scene was planned (it is advisable to separate a scene by scene or scenes in a way to make
new fla file to simplify the process of editing and arranging movement kinerjakomputer character to remain stable). Animation scene by scene
6.23.8Meng-export into Movie FormAfter the animation that we created was considered sufficiently then the next step is to form prosespengemasan or AVI video files to simplify the process of editing nantidengan use Adobe premiere. The first step is to choose File-Export menu and the sub menu select Export Movie6.23.9Langkah steps to export a movieThen the dialog box will appear diamana we will save the file and rename it to the filename Example scene1 then press the saveExport dialog 6.23.10Kotak movieThen the dialog box will appear Export Windows AVI disable video padacompress a check list as a checklist when we compress the video automatically kitabuat video files will be Compress and of course the effect on image quality. Then tekantombol OK.Kotak Export Dialog Windows AVIMaka loading process will happen to to export files into AVI video files. Do the same POINTS berikutnya.File secene scenes with the other one has not been incorporated6.23.11Mengedit Video
Of course, after going through a long process and complicated end we telahmendapatkan some cuts scene by scene, but of course the scene-adegantersebut not become a movie because the file is still a file that has not yet suara.Tentunya terpisahdan necessary next step is the editing process, the This editing process kitaakan try combining multiple transition effects and also includes voice accordance script or scenario that we created earlier. Editing done USING adobe premiere pro software version 1.5, first install and run the program adobepremiere programnya.Kemudian select New Project, and will appear New Project dialog box, then select TabCustom settings and set the following parameters: Editing Mode is the Video For Windows, Time base 25 Frame / Sec, Video Size should disamakn videoyang file size has been created that is 720x576, 25fps Timecode Display Format, and the last is audiosample rate of 44100 Hz. Then type the name of the project and set tempatpenyimpanana data will be stored and select Button OKPengaturan Parameter Video
Then the screen will change to display Programadobe premiere, the next step is to import the video files we have to process editing.Tampilan buatsebelumnya for Adobe Programs PremiereUntuk import video files select the file can be directly imported or tekantombol Ctrl + i . then the Import dialog box will appear and then selected the files dibutuhkankemudian press the Open button, then the result is a video that we will edit've masukkedalam project panel and is ready for dialogue diolah.Kotak ImportSetelah video files stored in the panel project, the next step is mengurutkanfile videos sequentially starting from the first scene to the last scene, the way videosecara drag into the timeline sequence. So the result if we play video sudahtergabung and have a clear narrative sequence according to storyboard.Drag Video into Timeline6:30:12 Adding Transition Effects
When we see it seems less interesting when the displacement of scene one another keadegan look mediocre nothing interesting transition, for the mengatasimasalah we can use transition effects are available On programadobe premiere. How, in the project panel select the tab effectLalu select Video transision then we choose at will what we inginkankarena transition there are many sub-sub menus to choose from, for example, we want to choose efecttransisi Center panel then we have to do is go to a sub menu Page Peelkemudian select Center Panel. Then Drag the efect between switching between scene satuke scene from the Video Transitions lainnyaHasil Page PeelMaka result is the transfer of a unique and exciting transition, do the samapada any scene or movement did effect delivery as needed
6.23.12Take Voice with Audio MixerIn this step we will try to do the vote in accordance with scriptyang we have made with the help of microphone. 1.Siapkan the microphone and speaker, also make sure that the driver is terinstall2.geser current time indicator in harmony with the scene that we will fill suara.3.Pilih Windows menu and select Audio Mixer Audio Mixer 4.Akan Menu appears, and then the audio track 2 activate solo track for track danenable recording5.Setelah finished, then we live according to the scenario record sound hath made by pressing the record button, prepare your voice, then tekantombol play / stop toggle or you can simply press the space on your sound keyboard.Maka automatically be recorded and stored in the audio track 2. when sudahselesai, press the play / stop toggle (space). Perform voice recording process at the required scenes, of course pengisiansuara be done by two people, the sound of boys to girls dansuara gembul character to character kendy, ask for help to your friend untukmelakukan filling sound.6.23.13Menambahkan Music Background / backsoundAdding background music / backsound very important that we make animation movies tidakterdengar saturated, giving backsound easy, trick import audio or music will make backsound yangkita then drag it into the audio tracks that are still empty. To make it more interesting, also give such sound effects, sound thud step, the sound blows, suaraterjatuh and others.6.23.14Render to MPEG Format
After the editing process it is considered perfect, the next step is mengeksekusinyamenjadi a video file format, how to perform the rendering process. Format videoyang we will use the MPEG2, besides the picture quality is still considered good, dihasilkannyapun file size is not too much less memory. Following the steps of the rendering process: 1.Select File menu, and then select the Export Adobe Media Encoder will 2.Lalu transcode settings box appears, the menu list select the MPEG2 format, padapreset set to PAL MPEG-2 Generic, then press OK.Setelah File Save dialog box appears, set the data storage and file typing your movie Nameuntuk identity. Then press save.3.Anda will see the rendering progress bar, wait until the process ends padaframe last rendering, do not ever do another activity on your computer because bisaberpengaruh the rendering process.

6.23.15Menjalankan Rendering ResultsNow you have a movie that is ready to be watched by keluargaataupun friends, run your movie file using Windows Media Player or other video player application such as Jet Audio, Winamp, Power DVD etc. lain.Menjalankan Movie With Windows Media PlayerSearchSearch History:Searching ...Result 00 of 0000 results for result for
#p.Mastering Basic Animation Stop-motion (Flat Field)Download or PrintAdd To Collection2.7KReads13thReadcasts0Embed ViewsThis is a private document.Published byEsti RizkyaFollowSearchTIP Press Ctrl-F ⌘ F to search anywhere in the document.Info and RatingCategory: Uncategorized.Rating:Date Submitted: 12/20/2011Copyright: Attribution Non-commercialTags:This document has no tags.Flag document for inapproriate contentDownload and print this document

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