Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Statistics is the study of how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. In short, statistics is a science with respect to data. The term 'statistics' (English: statistics) different from the 'statistics' (statistics). Statistics is the science with respect to data, while statistics is the data, information, or the results of applying statistical algorithms in the data. From the collection of the data, statistics can be used to infer or describe the data: this is called descriptive statistics. Most of the basic concepts of statistical probability theory assumes. Several statistical terms are: population, sample, sampling unit, and probability.
Statistics are widely applied in various disciplines, both natural sciences (such as astronomy and biology and the social sciences (including sociology and psychology), as well as in the fields of business, economics, and industry. Statistics are also used in government for a variety of purposes; population census is one of the most well known procedures. applications other statistics are now popular poll or polling procedure (eg done before the general election), as well as a rapid (quick calculation results of the election) or a quick count. In the field of computing, statistics can also applied in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
The use of the term is rooted in statistical terms in Latin modern terms statisticum collegium ("council of state") and the Italian statista ("statesman" or "politician").
Achenwall Gottfried (1749) using the statistics in the German language for the first time as a name for the data analysis activities of the state, to interpret it as "the science of the state (state)". At the beginning of the 19th century there has been a shift in the meaning of a "science of the collection and classification of data". Sir John Sinclair introduced the name (Statistics) and this understanding into English. Thus, statistics in principle at first only the data that is used to take care of the administrative institutions and governments. Data collection continues, especially through the census conducted regularly to provide information on population change at any time.
In the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century using statistics from many areas of mathematics, especially opportunities. Branch of statistics which is now very widely used to support the scientific method, statistical inference, developed in the second half of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century by Ronald Fisher (foundation stone of statistical inference), Karl Pearson (linear regression), and William Sealey Gosset (examine the problem of small sample). The use of statistics in the present can be said to have touched all areas of science, from astronomy to linguistika. Fields of economics, biology and its application branches, as well as psychology is heavily influenced by the statistical methodology. Consequently born the combined sciences such as econometrics, biometrics (or Biostatistics), and psikometrika.
Although there are those who regard statistics as a branch of mathematics, but some others consider statistics as a field that is much related to the view of the history of mathematics and its applications. In Indonesia, most statistical studies in the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, both within individual departments or affiliated with mathematics.

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