Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Pancasila education foundation
Basic philosophy of Pancasila State of RI officially endorsed by PPKI on 18 August 1945 and is listed in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, promulgated in the news the second year of the Republic of Indonesia No. 7 along - together with the torso of the 1945 Constitution.The existence of state philosophy Pancasila as the foundation of the republic Indonesia experienced a wide range of interpretation and political manipulation in the interests of the ruling were overturned by state ideology Pancasila legtimasi.
The reform movement seeks to restore the position and function of the Pancasila as the basic State, which is realized through the MPR decree No. 1998 Th. XVIII/MPR/1998 accompanied by a lifting of p - 4 and revocation of Pancasila as the one - the only foundation for orsospol in Indonesia. Provision shall also revoke the mandate given to the President of the Assembly the power to civilize Pancasila through p -4 and sole principle of Pancasila.
A very serious impact on Pancasila manipulation by the authorities in the past, nowadays a lot of the political elite as well as most people assume that Pancasila is the new order of political labels. The views and efforts to undermine the role of cynical ideology of Pancasila in today's era of reform would be fatal for the nation of Indonesia, namely the weakening of public confidence in the state ideology which then in turn would threaten the unity of Indonesia which has long fostered, nurtured and desirable people in Indonesia since first.
The evidence can be seen objectively is the reform that has not reveal the results that can be enjoyed by the people. Based on reason and objective reality of the above then it is our responsibility as citizens to develop and assess the Pancasila as a result of the great work of our nation's equivalent of the ideology or ism - isms of the world today such as Liberalism.Efforts to study and review the Pancasila was mainly in relation to the duties of the nation of Indonesia to restore order ravaged our country today. Reforms to the creation of a prosperous society and the nation is not enough just to develop and raise dengam hatred, fueling conflict anta attitude and condition of the political elite.A. The foundation of Pancasila Education1. Historical BasisThe Indonesian people are formed in a process long history since the Age Kutai. Hundreds - hundreds of years of the Indonesian nation struggling to find its identity as an independent nation, independent and philosophy of life of the nation. After going through a long process in the course of Indonesian history finds himself, in which knotted characteristics, the nature and character of a different nation with other nations.In the life of the nation today is mainly in the reform period, the nation of Indonesia as a nation must have a vision and view of life must be strong in order not tossed - udder middle - middle International society.So, historically, that the values ​​contained in each of the precepts of Pancasila, pre-formulated and ratified the basis of an objective Negara Indonesia have historically been owned by the Indonesian people themselves so that home values ​​- values ​​of Pancasila is none other than the Indonesian nation sendir, ie Another of Indonesia as a materialist power Pancasila.2. Cultural BasisEvery nation in the world in the life of society, nationand state always has a way of life. Philosophy of life and a matter of life being tossed - oscillate in the association of the international community. Every nation has its own characteristics and different view of life with other nations. State communism and liberalism put the country on the basic philosophy of a certain ideological concepts.
Unlike the nations - other nations, Indonesia basing his views in masyarrakat, state and nation in a cultural principles held and attached to the nation itself. One - the only major work of Indonesia which is parallel to the work of any other nation in the world is the result of thinking about the nation and the State of basing a view of life that values ​​the principle owed the precepts - the precepts of Pancasila.3. Juridical BasisJuridical Basis Pancasila education lectures in educationHigh stipulated in the Act - Act No. 2 of 1989 concerning the national education system. Article 29 has been determined that he content of the curriculum of every kind, lines and levels of education, must include Pancasila education, religious education and citizenship education conceptual subsequently re-affirmed by the presence and Law - Law No. 20 year 2003 on national education systems as a replacement law - Act No. 2 of 1989.4. Philosophical BasisPancasila is the basic philosophy of the state and outlookPhilosophical Indonesia. Therefore, it is a moral imperative to consistently realized in every aspect of the life of society, state and nation. It is based on the fact philosophically and objectively that the Indonesian nation and state in social life based on values ​​- the value contained in the precept - the philosophical precepts of Pancasila which is philosophically before the State of the Indonesian nation.B. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES PANCASILAThe purpose of education is defined as a set of intellectual act responsibly oriented professional competence in the field of individual students - respectively. While graduates competency pancasila set of measures aimed at understanding the intellectual, the full responsibility as a citizen in solving various problems in social life, state and nation by implementing ideas based on values ​​- the value of Pancasila.

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